Warehill agility group new venue
Warehill agility groups new venue is, The old Football Field, Luton White Hill road, Offley, SG5 3DL. we will hopefully be starting back in October once we have arranged session times.
Warehill agility groups new venue is, The old Football Field, Luton White Hill road, Offley, SG5 3DL. we will hopefully be starting back in October once we have arranged session times.
Warehill Agility are now in the process of moving to a new venue. Please bear with us while we get everything in place. If you have any issues or have any questions then please email or message us. You will all be informed when everything is confirmed. In the meantime we will have a Saturday…
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Those that have enquires already we have been in contact and starters class is now full. We are holding a taster day for those that have already applied. We won’t be doing another starters class until next year after this one. If your interested please join the Facebook page of Warehill and we will post…
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Training has stopped for the summer. Tuesday 3rd August is the last one for the summer. Due to low numbers this is the last one until 6th September. as a treat tonight we have set up a course to test your skills from previous weeks. Enjoy the summer break and stay safe. There will be…
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As most of you are aware the current COVID restrictions are being eased. So this means we can open again as of 17th May. We have sent out emails to those who are already members to book slots and have filled up extremely fast. We are still on restricted numbers so please bear with us.…
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